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GarudaNvim comes pre-installed with a range of powerful plugins to maximize productivity, enhance workflow, and streamline your Neovim experience. Below is a list of the most important plugins included in GarudaNvim, ranked by their significance.

1. nvim-tree.lua

File Explorer

Repository: nvim-tree/nvim-tree.lua
A highly efficient file explorer that integrates seamlessly into GarudaNvim. With nvim-tree, you can navigate your project files and directories quickly, making file management much easier. It's designed to be fast and responsive, perfect for keyboard-based navigation.

2. telescope.nvim

Fuzzy Finder

Repository: nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim
Telescope is a flexible and feature-rich fuzzy finder. It allows you to quickly search and open files, buffers, and even grep through your codebase. With powerful integrations, it’s your go-to tool for locating anything in your project.

3. barbar.nvim


Repository: romgrk/barbar.nvim
Barbar provides a sleek tabline that allows easy navigation between buffers in GarudaNvim. Its design complements the overall interface, making buffer management intuitive and visually appealing.

4. lualine.nvim


Repository: nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim
Lualine is a fast, lightweight statusline plugin for GarudaNvim, offering flexibility in customizing the appearance of the statusline. It displays essential information like file type, encoding, and current git branch.

5. alpha-nvim


Repository: goolord/alpha-nvim
Alpha provides a customizable dashboard that appears when you start GarudaNvim. You can configure it with shortcuts, recent files, and other useful information, making it a perfect landing page for your workflow.

6. project.nvim

Project Management

Repository: ahmedkhalf/project.nvim
This plugin helps manage and quickly switch between different projects on your machine. It offers an easy way to organize workspaces, providing instant access to your project files.

7. which-key.nvim

Keybinding Helper

Repository: folke/which-key.nvim
Which-key helps you learn and remember keybindings by displaying available key mappings as you type. It's an excellent tool for discovering new shortcuts and enhancing your keyboard-driven workflow.

8. gitsigns.nvim

Git Integration

Repository: lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim
Gitsigns displays git status indicators in the sign column, allowing you to view changes to files, stages, and commits directly in GarudaNvim. It enhances the GarudaNvim experience by integrating git-related information seamlessly.

9. toggleterm.nvim

Terminal Management

Repository: akinsho/toggleterm.nvim
Toggleterm makes managing multiple terminal instances within GarudaNvim easy. It allows you to create and toggle between terminals, providing a seamless terminal experience inside your editor.

10. lazygit.nvim

Git Interface

Repository: kdheepak/lazygit.nvim
This plugin integrates the popular LazyGit terminal UI into GarudaNvim, enabling you to manage git repositories with a visual interface. It simplifies complex git operations while keeping you inside GarudaNvim.

11. nvim-web-devicons

File Icons

Repository: nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons
Nvim-web-devicons provides file icons that enhance the appearance of various plugins such as nvim-tree, barbar, and lualine. It improves visual navigation by using icons to represent different file types.

12. telescope-ui-select.nvim

UI Select Integration

Repository: nvim-telescope/telescope-ui-select.nvim
This plugin extends telescope by integrating with Neovim’s function, replacing default UI selections with a more powerful, fuzzy-searchable menu.

13. telescope-live-grep-args.nvim

Grep with Arguments

Repository: nvim-telescope/telescope-live-grep-args.nvim
Telescope-live-grep-args allows you to pass arguments to live_grep, providing enhanced search capabilities within your project files. It offers flexibility in customizing search queries.

14. plenary.nvim

Utility Library

Repository: nvim-lua/plenary.nvim
Plenary is a library of common utilities used by many GarudaNvim plugins. It provides essential functions such as asynchronous programming support and file manipulation utilities, making plugin development easier.

These plugins collectively enhance the functionality and workflow in GarudaNvim, making it a highly efficient and customizable Neovim distribution.